Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shanghai Grand Laser Strike Association 上海奉贤镭战大联盟

It's a team building day for my Shanghai IC Design Center personnel. It is a working Saturday for Monday replacement of the upcoming China National Holiday. The organizer chose to have an event at the Fenxian District 奉贤区. This camp is called Grand Laser Strike Association (GLSA). Their website could be found at It is situated at 奉贤海马路海湾世纪林基地. GLSA could only managed a event for more than 30 person group. Luckily our organization has more than enough members. There are 31 of us. The bus came to fetch us at our office at Longyang road early morning at 9.20am. The journey took about 1+ hour and we reached the ground at 10.30am sharp per schedule.

We went pass the main entrance of stone arch to the military barracks. There were cartoons holding military weapon. We tried to open one of the boxes and found a sort of bazooka missile inside. Quite impressive!
Unlike paint ball, it is using guns that shoot laser bullets instead of paint pellets. It is a sort of military game whereby we were to wear vest and helmet with detectors. Everyone was given a gun, AK47, etc to choose from which would shoot laser at the opponents. If the laser hits the vest or helmet of the opponents, the opponent will be killed and there is an "Aarggh!" sound from the opponent's speaker. The person who had successfully shot an opponent would have a "Buzz" sound from his speaker. Each person is given 5 lives. Upon getting killed, the person's gun would not be able to be used to fire and he would then have a minute to get away.

We were split into 2 teams and took our whole group photo before starting the game.
Group photo
The people managing the camp instructed us on how to put on the vest, helmet and use the guns. According to him, there were 600 rounds in the AK47 and we have to pull a lever to reload. He said that it should be sufficiently enough for the game. Later I found that actually I have fired until I ran out of the 600 rounds of bullets. I have to ask that person to enable me more bullets.

After we were strapped into our vest and helmet, our guns were enable wirelessly. The helmet was connected to the vest through a connector. The gun was connected to the unit behind our vest where the battery pack and transmitter were at.

Fully geared up for battle
Our first game was at a battle ground with trench and bushes. Two team at different end will try to attack each other, hiding under the trench, cross the wooden bridge and fight among the bushes and trees. After playing 2 sessions of game and swapping the terrains, the results of the game was announced. I was surprised that I have managed to get to the 4th place in the highest scoring for shooting, about 600 points. The first person was 900 points. First session I did quite badly and got killed after some time. However, in the second session - I managed to shoot down quite a lot of targets and did not get kill even until the end of the game. I guessed practice makes perfect.

Pinned down in the barrack

We went for lunch at the city center near the beach. It was quite a nice seafood lunch since everyone was exhausted and hungry after all the fighting. This place is a tourist spot for rest and relaxation and there are leisure hotels here.
Seafood restaurant we have eaten at (right)

Windmill for generating electric could be seen at a distance (right)
After lunch, the bus took us for a leisure touring to the beach side nearby. From here we could see HangZhou Bay 杭州湾. We were lucky to get a glimpse of Chinese soldier performing military training at the beachside carrying military cannons to the beachside. It was low tide and the water front went quite a distance from the beach. According to people there they would be doing cannon firing practise at 3.00pm. We did not stay for this of course and went back to continue with our games.

After lunch, we continued for another few session of games. We fought to find the enemy's boss (which has 8 lives) within 20 minute and eliminate him/her. One team plays the defence and the other play offence. Upon completion, the team switch roles. Our team was still the strongest and won in every games. The last game was every man for himselves and we fought without team at each other. Everyone is considered an enemy. The last man standing is the winner. We were allowed to use smoke bombs to cover enemy visibility.

We left at 4.20pm to avoid the rush and arrived at the office at 5.35pm. Overall, an enjoyable day indeed. Should have more this kind of team building.

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