Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shanghai Kids Museum 上海儿童博物馆

Today the weather is gloomy and looked like going to rain. Thus, we made up our mind to go to some place with shelter. We chose to go to the Shanghai Kids Museum.

Entrance fee is RMB for both adults and kids. Since this is a museum for kids, of course kids gets charged the full rate. Maybe they should give adults a discounted fees?

The website for this museum can be found at:

Main entrance photo of the museum (or should I say back entrance?)
Actually the museum was not so big and in fact we were a bit disappointed with the attractions. We felt a bit cheated that it should be so expensive. Below is the museum guide map. It consists of a 2 level building.

Museum guide map
The main entrance of this museum feature the mascot for this museum. It is a sort of a big round headed alien all dressed in silver.

The alien mascot

Right in front of the entrance after buying the ticket to enter is the Q&A terminal. Ethan does not know the questions, but he just pressed the touch screen terminal.

Ethan spending some time at the Q&A Terminal
The first place we gotten to was the "Nautical Hall". The theme of this hall was regarding the sea. It displays different type of ships and boats. There was a model of a submarine in the hall. One could enter the hull of the submarine and play with its knobs, etc.

Nautical Hall

Light house to guide the ships through stormy night
In the hull of the submarine
The second place was the "Space Hall". Here, it was displayed the various generation of China's rockets and space exploration.

Actual 1st generation Chinese satellite that came back from space as displayed below. One could still see the surface of this capsule burn at high temperature though entry back to earth.

Display of US space shuttle

China's own rocket since beginning of space program

Ethan trying his hand to be an astronaut on training

The third place was the "Moon Hall". It is a dark room with flooring that is made to look and feel like ground on the moon. There was a big screen showing Questions and giving the choices by touching the big screen to choose the correct answer.

3D image of the earth seen from the moon
The Fourth place was the "Information Hall". Here is displayed the history of telephone from first telephone to modern days phone.

Graham Bell's phone

Morse code

After this area, there was the "Interactive Exploration Area". Here, there are various toys to be played and at the same time learn.

Making sound with overturn steel bowls

The last place that we did not have time to go was the hall of astronomy. Overall impression was that this is a good place for kids but not so much for adults. The entrance fees is a bit too high. Definitely would not come back for a second time. Might as we go to the Shanghai Science Museum instead.

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